Saturday, November 3, 2007

Food Safety????

The other day, I went through a fast-food drive-thru to get some soup for dinner. I noticed that the cashier was wearing plastic gloves. The kind you wear for handling food. He was doing double duty, filling orders and ringing up customers.

This always freaks me out, knowing that the gloved hands that are touching my food are also handling money!!!!! Don't these idiots know that money is dirty and can spread viruses such as hepatitis? What the hell do they think the gloves are for???

While I'm sure my soup was o.k., I did not eat the hunk of bread that was put in my bag.

Ice cream shops put wrappers around cones to protect them but the teenage workers will put the cone with an unprotected bottom on the counter. The same counter that money is put down on. I usually get my frozen treats in cups or try to grab the cone before it hits the counter.

I see this sort of thing all the time. Once in while I say something but I know I am wasting my breath.........

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